I have the nose of a bloodhound. It's hereditary. I got it from my dad. Smells change everything for me, and unfortunately, it's a love or hate relationship. When I started teaching I wanted to have an essential oil that I could use during savasana to help my students relax, and despite my best efforts, I was unable to find anything that qualified. I was looking for something that was relaxing, without being too boring, but had a bit of zing, just so they knew it wasn't time to fall asleep. Since I couldn't find one, I decided to create my own. I tried a few blends of different oils that I knew were frequently used in yoga including tea tree and helichrysum bracteiferum, but I just didn't like the smell. Eventually I settled with Lavender, Peppermint, and Sage. Since I've gotten so many inquiries about where those essential oils can be bought, I have decided to sell them. Turns out the nose is a fantastic predictor of health and wellness. The oils have benefits including, but not limited to, antidepressant, antibacterial, blood pressure reduction, relieves upset stomach (Clary Sage), reduces insomnia, nervousness, and joint pain (Lavender), helps with indigestion, sinus issues, stress reduction, headache relief (Peppermint). Let me know if you'd like one.
5ml Essential Oil 15€
Pure Lavender Essential Oil straight from the lavender farm in Provence Organic Peppermint Oil Organic Clary Sage Oil Organic Jojoba Oil (carrier oil, because essential oils shouldn't be used in their most concentrated form)